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Meet Kristina

Kristina Popadich graduated with her Bachelor of Medical Science (BMSc), Honors Specialization in Interdisciplinary Medical Science from Western University & Honors Business Administration (HBA) from the Richard Ivey School of Business. Kristina currently works as a Consultant in the Operations Transformation group at Deloitte. Running is Kristina’s favourite hobby. At Western University she competed on the Varsity Cross Country and Track & Field teams.

  • Bachelor of Medical Science (BMSc), Honors Specialization in Interdisciplinary Medical Science, Western University 

  • Honors Business Administration (HBA), Richard Ivey School of Business 

  • Consultancy, Strategy & Operations, Deloitte 

When did your love of STEM begin?

I have always been fascinated with math and science. I struggled most with what I wanted to do with it, but continued to take courses and expand my knowledge in the field out of pure interest!
My family definitely supported me, however, I think I was motivated by the passion and goals of a few of my close friends to pursue an education in STEM. I was lucky that science was really respected at my school and I had a lot of people around me that influenced me to think about studying science at university.

What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?

Working in consulting has allowed me to work with people every day and help them solve a strategic or operational problem. At work, I'm able to help and see people and organizations achieve their goals. I hope to expand this work to influence industries with a positive impact on society.

What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?

I was hesitant to study STEM because I wasn’t sure I could be a doctor and I wasn’t exposed to less traditional paths in science, although I was interested, I put too much pressure on myself to know exactly what I wanted to do. It’s enough to pursue exactly what you’re passionate about in the moment, especially in STEM because you open up a lot more doors then you might imagine. I am still hoping to use my background in science to make career moves in the future, so if you’re intimidated about studying science, as I was heading into university, take a chance on yourself to pursue what you’re interested in because there are a lot of opportunities in STEM and it’s a wonderful opportunity for you to challenge yourself and grow!

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”I changed my focus from knowing exactly what I was going to

do with my career, to pursuing education in areas I was passionate

about, it allowed me to relieve the pressure I had put on myself

and just enjoy what I was studying.”
