Meet Ashley Moraca

Ashley Moraca has graduated with her Masters of Business Administration from the University of Oxford in 2021, as well as her Bachelor of Commerce from Queen's University in 2014. She currently works as a Co-founder at the company Clubby. In her spare time, Ashley likes to travel, do photography, and cook.

When did your love of STEM begin?

I fell into STEM, after working for a tech company after a few years following my undergrad degree. I quickly came to love the fast-paced environment of tech, the incredible & intelligent people it draws and how diverse and comprehensive a career path in tech can be.

What did you love most about study in your field of STEM?

The fact that tech is always evolving and changing! I'm always learning something new, honing my skills and adapting to market changes. I love this aspect of STEM as I'm constantly pushed to evolve and grow.

What advice would you give to young women considering a career in STEM?

You have to start somewhere, so just start. You'll learn the most by doing, so don't be afraid to jump in regardless of the stage you are at or how much you know. Everyone experiences imposter syndrome to an extent, so don't let these feelings stop you from learning and jumping into something new!


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