Meet Rumina Velshi

Rumina Velshi graduated with her Bachelor of Applied Science in civil engineering, a Master of Engineering in chemical engineering and a Master of Business Administration, all from the University of Toronto. She currently is the President and CEO, of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. In her spare time, Rumina likes to golf and hike, and I’m a great fan of murder mystery novels.

When did your love of STEM begin?

When I was about to graduate high school, I read in a newspaper about the person who would become my engineering heroine – Emily Roebling, a 19th century American who oversaw the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge. She was not trained as an engineer, but when her husband – who was the Chief Engineer for the project – became ill for several years, she stepped in to lead the engineering team. This was an extraordinary departure from the traditional gender roles of the 1870s. I was so inspired by what Emily had accomplished, I decided right then to become an engineer.

What is the best part about working in the field of STEM?

Working in STEM teaches you many skills – and not strictly technical. It teaches you to think critically and to work collaboratively and effectively. It also offers you the opportunity to take charge and be a leader, just like Emily Roebling. There are lots of positions available in STEM fields, and the careers are very fulfilling. Another advantage is that, with a STEM degree, you could potentially work just about anywhere in the world.

What advice would you give young women interested in a career in STEM?

You should dream big and, as the saying goes, you should shoot for the moon because even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.
Challenge yourself, take risks, prompt yourself to try something new and different. This will keep you sharp and competitive. Always seize the opportunity to learn something new, even when it’s not in your field or even if it will mean hard work. When you stop learning, you stop growing. Spend time with supportive people by joining a school club or a sport, or by participating in a workshop like this because doing so will bring new friendships which can open new doors. You are the future, meaning your opportunities still await you on roads you have yet to discover. Live to your full potential and be constructive so that you make this world an even better place than it is today.


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