Meet Victoria Quance

Victoria holds an Honours Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Western University ('23) and is pursuing a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics.

Outside of her academic pursuits, Victoria is passionate about playing and coaching sports such as ice hockey, pickleball, basketball, and baseball. She also enjoys learning popular songs on the piano and guitar.

A fun fact about fact about Victoria: “I am currently studying the effect of migration distance on survival of song sparrows. These birds are only around 15cm in length, but can migrate from Canada all the way to Mexico!”

When did your love of STEM begin?

My love of STEM began in my high school math classes. All of my teachers were so enthusiastic about mathematics, which made me want to continue exploring it further.

What is the best part about working in the field of STEM?

My favourite thing about working in STEM is the real-world applications which guide our work. While my individual work may be a small piece of a big puzzle, it is extremely motivating knowing that my work can contribute to solutions to real problems.

What advice would you give young women interested in a career in STEM?

Most workplaces require STEM knowledge in some shape or form, so a career in STEM opens so many doors. Pursuing a STEM discipline gives you the flexibility to find your dream place of work. You can't go wrong with STEM!


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